The use of proper protective equipment (PPEs) is crucial to ensuring workplace safety in a variety of sectors. While modern medicine and even a well-stocked first aid kit can help manage a number of workplace injuries, it’s always best to employ appropriate prevention measure to reduce the risk of injuries occurring in the first place. Pictograms serve valuable functions, for example by alerting to the presence of dangerous materials and emergency exits. But personal protective equipment is a prevention measure that should never be overlooked.
US Standard Products is an industry leader in the distribution of high performance and safer chemicals for the industrial and janitorial markets. Their Eco-friendly products help create -healthier, safer and more productive environments for employees. US Standard Products is committed to protecting not only the environment, but also the personal health and well-being of those handling them, without sacrificing product quality or performance. They recommend a number of PPEs to promote safety and prevent injury.
1) Protective Clothing
Every industry has its own requirements when it comes to clothing, such as reflective jackets or clothing made of strong fibers or materials resistant to certain elements. Employees should always ensure that they come to work wearing the right type of protective clothing. For their part, employers must ensure that employees are properly informed of the safety clothing requirements and must never allow an employee to carry out dangerous tasks if they are not wearing proper clothing.
2) Head Protection
Our heads are one of the most important things to protect, mainly because they house our brains. It is therefore imperative that employees wear helmets, or other appropriate head protection, when working in an environment with inherent safety risks. Nowadays, helmets are made to be adaptable to different work environments, and often come in a variety of styles and options.
3) Protection for Hands and Feet
Gloves are especially important when handling dangerous substances. US Standard Products recognizes that gloves are a vital component of PPE. Gloves can protect against dangerous/sharp objects, chemicals, extreme temperatures and bacterial risks. Foot protection is also extremely important, and will vary depending on the sector in which one works. For example, safety shoes and boots (Sb, S1-S5) can protect feet against heavy items. Slips and falls can also be prevented with proper foot protection, such as antiskid soles or shoe claws for ice and snow.
4) Protect your Lungs
Human beings can’t survive without air, which is all the more reason to utilize PPEs to ensure proper lung function. Dust, chemical vapours and smoke can all take a serious toll on our lungs — but protective masks can help to stop dangerous particles from entering our respiratory tract. If working with particularly dangerous substances, full face masks (which adhere tightly to the face) would be required to achieve adequate levels of protection.

5) Protect your Senses
We often take our senses for granted, until they are compromised. Anything from bright light, radiation, chemicals, or sparks can contribute to eye injuries, which can be easily prevented by wearing proper safety glasses or goggles. Similarly, if working in environments with exposure to high sound volumes, earplugs or earmuffs can alleviate the strain these can cause on our ears.
In addition to utilizing the above-mentioned PPEs, US Standard Products recommends ongoing workplace training, in order to reinforce the importance of PPEs in promoting safety and preventing injury.